Drivers Medical

Hamilton East Medical Centre offers drivers medical tests for all ages and classes.

(Currently  available for our registered patients only)

Drivers Medical for Under 75 Year Olds

If you are under 75 years of age – you will require a 15-minutes appointment with nurse as well as a 15-minutes appointment with the doctor

During these appointments we will check:

  • Your blood pressure
  • Your visual acuity according to which licence classes
  • Your general health and wellbeing

We will then complete the first page of our licence application with you.

Note - Licence number needs to be at the top on the front page and back page

Note - For Class 1 Licences fill in ONLY one box, EITHER with OR without correcting lenses depending on whether the patient needs to wear corrective lenses for driving

Drivers Medical for Over 75 Year Olds

If you are over 75 years of age – you will require a 30-minutes appointment with the nurse as well as a 15-minutes appointment with the doctor

During these appointments we will check:

  • Your blood pressure
  • Your visual acuity according to which licence class
  • We will complete and interpret a Cognitive Impairment Test with you

16 Beale Street, Hamilton East, Hamilton 3210

PO Box 4096, Hamilton 3247

Phone: 07 839 1232
Fax: 07 834 0928
Opening hours:
Mon to Fri, 8.00am - 5.00pm